If you order now, we will ship the product IN STOCK today {{tomorrow}}. Delivery times.
If you order now, we will ship the product IN STOCK on {{date}}. Delivery times.
SOI.+ je pametna lučka s polnilcem, ki je brez stikal ali gumbov in ki poskrbi za svetlobo v temni torbici. Lahkoten dotik in že boš našla tisto, kar iščeš.
Kaj ženske vsak dan nosijo v torbicah in koliko časa dejansko iščejo stvari po svojih torbicah, je bilo raziskano v raziskavi "Bag Stories", v kateri so ugotovili, da ženska v povprečju preživi kar 76 dni svojega življenja z iskanjem predmetov v svoji torbi.
Pametna lučka SOI.+ s polnilcem je enostavna za uporabo in preprosta za vzdrževanje. Lučka SOI.+ s polnilcem zasveti takoj, ko začneš iskati stvari v torbi. Ko se roka približa ali rahlo dotakne lučke, le-ta zahvaljujoč senzorski tehnologiji osvetli za 10 sekund in se nato samodejno ugasne.
Prav tako pa se lahko s pomočjo vgrajene baterije pametni telefoni ali druge elektronske naprave polnijo mobilno in brez vtičnic.
Poleg funkcionalnosti in kvalitetne izdelave pa tudi dobro izgleda. Njena minimalistična in elegantna oblika je brezčasna. Poleg tega pa je zelo prijetna na dotik.
Lučka SOI.+ s polnilcem je s pozornostjo do detajlov izdelana v Nemčiji. To zagotavlja stalno visoko kakovost in preprečuje dolge transportne poti. Tudi pametna LED elektronika je optimizirana za nizko porabo in dolgotrajno življenjsko dobo baterije.
In our online shop you can choose from the following payment options:
BY BANK TRANSFER: when you place your order, you will receive the data for the payment of the ordered product by e-mail
BY CREDIT CARD: you can pay for your order quickly and easily with your MasterCard or Visa or American Express
PAY PAL: fast and secure payment via the online payment system
Shipping and delivery times
Orders placed from Monday to Friday until 2pm are usually sent on the same day, except in the case of extraordinary and unforeseen events. If the product is not in stock, we will inform you immediately of the exact delivery time.
We guarantee fast and reliable delivery of packages, so that the delivery to adresses in the EU usually takes place within 3-7 working days and to adresses outside the EU 7-10 working days.
The shipping costs for the adresses in the EU are 4,90€ and for adresses outside the EU 6,90€, regardless of the number of products ordered. Shipping for the adresses in the EU is free for orders over 59,95€ and the orders to adresses outside the EU 69,95€.
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